About Us

"It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit." - Robert Louis Stevenson

"Trees can reduce the heat of a summer's day, quiet a highway's noise, feed the hungry, provide shelter from the wind and warmth in the winter. You see, the forests are the sanctuaries not only of wildlife, but also of the human spirit. And every tree is a compact between generations." - George Bush, U.S. President, 1989

These two quotes, separated by almost a century, and by markedly different individuals, shows the impact a forest can have on men. What can happen with an experience on our public lands is a lesson worth teaching, and the Shasta Cascade Educational Foundation wants to help convey that message.

The Shasta Cascade Educational Foundation (SCEF), operating since 1996, is a non-profit and tax-exempt private organization incorporated in the State of California as an educational foundation dedicated to the enjoyable use, protection, and professional management and of public lands. SCEF is a not a government agency or entity. It is an advocate for the conservation and proper use of these lands, by hoping to educate Americans about the importance of maintaining our public lands.

The SCEF acts as an advocate and educator for everyone concerned about and with an interest in natural resources uses and protection of public lands. The land and natural resource assets in America are extremely diverse and extremely valuable, with the public demands upon them for their use being numerous and often conflicting.

Unfortunately, the programs and the the challenges of managing our wild lands are largely unknown and under-funded. The public lands depend on Congress for annual funding, money that seldom has kept pace with the growing management and protection needs. Yet these lands provide a significant economic and social benefit to the nation, and to the states and counties where these lands are located. Multiple use management is very controversial and difficult. A major key to progress toward the proper management of these lands is an understanding public, a public aware of the issues and the facts about the issues. Too often the public knows only the views of special interest groups which often tell only a part of the story. The public needs a more balanced, non-political presentation of the issues, a role played by the Shasta Cascade Educational Foundation.


  • Keep the public lands public and accessible to the public
  • Foster effective management of the public lands and natural resources under public lands management agency control
  • Education of America's youth about the use of our public lands may be the key to these land's future. The SCEF is dedicated to helping educate these future users about the use and benefits derived from our public lands
  • Effectively operate an educational center to provide valuable information about our public land.

Join us in our effort to help deliver the message about the importance of wise use of our public lands, and share with us our goal of passing them on to the next generation, with the grandeur with which we found them.


Shasta Cascade Community Foundation, 1699 Hwy 273, Anderson, CA 96007 ~ 530.365.7500