Press Room

  • AMERICA'S GREAT OUTDOORS Salazar Announces Fee Free Days at National Parks, Public Lands for 2013 Read the Article
  • Public Lands create U.S. Jobs - America's national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and other outdoor spaces are treasured for their beauty, their enjoyment, and for their value to our culture and history - sometimes, it can be easy to overlook that they also serve as economic drivers for American communities. Read the Article
  • Obama Administration Announces - New Design, Expanded Content for Recreation.Gov as Part of Initiative to Boost Tourism, Strengthen Economy. Read the Article
  • BLM-managed Lands Contributed $130 Billion to the U.S. Economy in FY 2011 Read the Article
  • National Wildlife Federation Launches Connecting Kids and Nature: National Wildlife Federation has worked to connect children and youth with nature for decades, inspiring children through Ranger Rick magazine, working with educators to get kids learning outdoors, and helping parents find new ways to engage their children outside. Today, the amount of time kids spend outside is alarmingly low--only minutes per day--while screen time is at an all-time high (upwards of seven hours). NWF has set a new goal to stem the tide and move kids back outdoors: Help NWF Get 10 Million Kids Outdoors! Our three-year goal is to get 10 million more American children out of their indoor habitat and into the great outdoors. This goal propels us toward a future when all kids spend time outside each day, creating a generation of happier, healthier children with more awareness and connection to the natural world. Read the Article
  • Time Out- How Much Time Do Kids Spend Outdoors - This issue explores kids' time outdoors. The information is based on the research done with the National Kids Survey. The scientists looked at the amount of time kids spend outdoors, the outdoor activities in which kids participate, and the reasons why kids may not be spending more time outdoors. Read the Article
  • The Outdoor Foundation Releases 2012 Outdoor Recreation Participation Study Washington, DC, August 16th, 2012 - Participation in outdoor recreation reached a five-year high in 2011 with nearly 50 percent of all Americans ages six and older enjoying the outdoors. That equates to 141.1 million American outdoor participants. The findings are part of The Outdoor Foundation's 2012 Outdoor Recreation Participation Report, the leading report tracking American participation trends in outdoor recreation with a focus on youth, diversity and the future of the outdoors. To download a complete copy of the 2012 Outdoor Recreation Participation Report, visit The Outdoor Foundation website at Read the Article.
  • New York Times (3/12) - Nature-Deficit Disorder
  • Canadian Living (10/11) - Quiz: Is your family suffering from nature deficit disorder?
  • The Sydney Morning Herald (3/12) - Why a walk in the park could change your life
  • Newsweek (10/11) - Andrew Weil's Spontaneous Happiness: Our Nature-Deficit Disorder
  • USA Today (3/06)- Send Your Kids Outside Now
  • Richard Louv.com, Blog, October 26, 2012 - The Forgotten Human Right



Shasta Cascade Community Foundation, 1699 Hwy 273, Anderson, CA 96007 ~ 530.365.7500